Mindful Living Coaching Sessions


Are you tired of feeling like life is rushing by too quickly? If so, the key to curbing your stress and taking control of your time may be through the practice of mindful living. In a world that encourages speed and instant gratification, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like time is slipping away. However, mindful living can help you slow down and find peace in the present moment.

When we’re constantly rushing, we miss out on the small moments that can bring us so much joy. We’re busy scrolling through our phones, multitasking, and connecting with others without being fully present. The fast-paced lifestyle we lead is often stressful and overwhelming, leaving us feeling frazzled and unfulfilled. By adopting a mindful approach to life, we can slow down and savor the world around us. We become more deeply connected with others and find greater purpose in our lives.

Mindful living is synonymous with slow living. The slow living movement is a lifestyle trend that emphasizes the need to slow down and simplify our lives in order to reduce stress, improve our well-being, and connect more deeply with ourselves and our surroundings. Some of the characteristics of the slow living movement include practicing mindfulness, slowing down to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, simplifying our lives, and thinking about sustainability. The slow living movement is all about taking a step back from our fast-paced, consumer-driven culture and embracing a simpler, more mindful way of life.

By doing so, we can reduce stress, improve our well-being, and create a more sustainable and fulfilling future for ourselves and our planet.

When I decided to be mindful and simplify my life, I realized that my schedule was one of the main areas that needed attention. I had to take control of my time and live more intentionally. By doing so, I found that time seemed to slow down, and the moments I spent with my family became more meaningful. Now we can enjoy our time together without feeling rushed or stressed out.

If you’re interested in joining the mindful living movement, there are a few things to keep in mind. Mindful living requires a deliberate, intentional effort. It means being present in the moment and taking control of your time. In this way, you can create a more meaningful, purposeful life that is full of joy and fulfillment.


Together, we will work on:

Organizing and decluttering the spaces in your home and in your mind

  • When we organize our lives, we tend to let go of the things that no longer serve us, such as physical clutter in our living spaces or mental clutter in our minds. By organizing, we become clear-minded and less stressed. Organizing our environment can do wonders for our mental state, as cluttered spaces lead to a cluttered mind, while a tidy environment promotes peace of mind and clarity.

  • When we’re surrounded by mess and chaos, it can be hard to relax and unwind. We can create a more calming atmosphere that promotes relaxation and reduces stress by tidying up and creating a more organized space. It will also improve our mood and help us to feel more positive.

  •  A cluttered space can be distracting and make it difficult to focus on the tasks at hand. By organizing our environment, we can create a more efficient workspace that promotes productivity and helps us stay on task.

Simplifying your life in the areas you need it the most

  • Simplifying our lives can help us to manage our time more effectively. By setting boundaries and reducing our commitments and obligations, we can create more space in our schedules for the things that matter most. With fewer distractions and less clutter, we can focus more on what truly matters to us, such as our relationships, hobbies, or work. When we have a clear sense of our priorities, we can spend our time and energy on the things that bring us the most joy and fulfillment.

  • We can work on simplifying our habits and daily routine to make more time for people and activities we love.

In this process, you will learn:

Some basic mindfulness techniques and slow living ideas

  • Mindfulness techniques may include mindful posture, mindful walking, mindful listening, mindful eating, and mindfulness in daily tasks.

  • Ideas for slow living may include spending time in nature, focusing on your health, finding more time for personal relationships, and creating inviting spaces in your environment that you love and feel comfortable in.

Self-care techniques to help ground you, make you feel refreshed, and allow you to show up the best for yourself and others

  • Self-care can take many forms, and we will work together to find what works best for you. Self-care can include anything from taking a relaxing bath or practicing yoga to spending time outdoors or reading a good book. Prioritizing self-care can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on both our mental and physical health. When we take care of ourselves, we’re better equipped to show up for others. We’re more patient, empathetic, or simply more present in our interactions with loved ones. It’s important to remember that self-care is not selfish. Taking care of ourselves can make us better able to care for others in the long run. When we make self-care a priority, we’re investing in our well-being and our ability to show up as our best selves.

Coaching packages are for 3 months and include weekly 45-minute sessions with email support between calls. You may choose to continue sessions afterward for ongoing support.

Prices range from $1500 - $1800.

Contact me for more information. I’m happy to provide a complimentary consultation over the phone to meet you and answer any questions you may have.