Spiritual Direction Immersion


Spiritual direction, also known as spiritual companionship, is a process that encourages people to explore and deepen their relationship with God or the divine. As a spiritual director, I consider myself a companion and guide. My intention is not to direct but to accompany you on your spiritual journey. Each session provides a safe space for you to talk about whatever is on your heart and mind. It’s powerful for someone to feel heard while another is present and listening deeply without passing judgment or giving advice. Throughout our sessions, I can help you to enrich and diversify your prayer life and spiritual practices. I can help you to discover what works best for you and provide you with the tools for cultivating this area of your life. Some of my favorite practices include art, meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature.

What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is a meaningful step to help spiritual seekers find balance, wholeness, and a deeper connection with themselves and/or the divine. It creates a safe space for people to talk about spirituality and the bigger picture of their lives. A spiritual director may encourage you to do more of what helps you to connect with the divine or your higher power and will help navigate the path for you as you explore your spirituality. People coming to spiritual direction are often looking to make meaning in their lives, and spiritual directors provide a space for people to process their thoughts and create meaning.

Spiritual direction can help you to understand yourself better and help you to connect with your most authentic self. You will enter a non-judgmental space where you can talk about things that challenge you—things that bring you peace or unrest. A spiritual director will ask questions to help you reflect on what you’re experiencing, and you can talk about whatever is on your heart and mind, such as a difficult day at work or a disconnection in a relationship. People going through spiritual direction feel that they have greater self-awareness, an ability to express and work through difficult emotions, and a deeper and more intimate relationship with the divine. It can help bring you peace and clarity during times of tragedy.

What does spirituality mean?

Spirituality takes on different meanings for different people. For some, it centers around a belief in the divine and active engagement in organized religion. For others, it includes practices such as quiet reflection, time in nature, private prayer, yoga, or meditation that enable them to connect with their spiritual selves. Religion is an organized system of beliefs and practices, so you may be spiritual without being religious or religious without being spiritual. You can also be both—it all depends on the individual.

Who might be drawn to spiritual direction?

A person seeking a deeper connection to the divine or their higher power 

Spiritual direction can help you to explore and deepen your relationship with the divine. You will have the space to discover what spiritual practices work best for you and the opportunity to cultivate this area of your life.

Someone undergoing a life transition, such as a change in their career or relationship 

Spiritual direction will provide a safe and supportive environment to help you feel grounded and can help prepare you for the next step. 

An empty nester who feels lost and wants to reconnect with herself 

Spiritual direction can help you navigate this part of your life and support you as you reconnect with yourself. It can help you to create a new vision for yourself that you can carry into the future. 

A person who identifies as LGBTQ+ and has been hurt by a church or people in a congregation 

Working with a spiritual director can help you to find healing. You will have a loving, accepting, and non-judgmental space where you may work on your relationship with the divine. 

Pastors and chaplains

People in ministry will often seek spiritual direction at times of unrest. There is a lot of upheaval in ministry right now. A lot has changed, especially since the beginning of the pandemic. You may be struggling to work in ministry after being faced with hostility from members of a congregation or community. Ministers are hurt and do not know how to move forward. It’s common for people to question their faith and calling during these times. Some may even use the term “dark night of the soul” to describe their deep depression or search for meaning. A spiritual director will be present with you as you process the situation and support you as you work through it.

Someone who feels unsure about spirituality and what it means but is seeking 

Spiritual direction can be a space for you to reconcile your past beliefs with how you believe now, and it can help you to sort out how you see the world spiritually. Processing your ideas and feelings with a spiritual director will help you to more clearly define your beliefs, how you conceive of the divine, and what that means for you.

There is healing, there is hope, there is love

Spiritual Direction Immersion is a 3-month program and include weekly 45-minute sessions with email support between calls. You may choose to continue sessions afterward for ongoing support.

Prices range from $1500 - $1800.

Contact me for more information. I’m happy to provide a complimentary consultation over the phone to meet you and answer any questions you may have.