Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

10 Teas That Calm Stress and Anxiety

Did you know that some teas can contribute to anxiety (i.e., caffeinated teas like black tea and green tea) while other teas relieve anxiety? If you’re feeling stressed, an easy way to feel a bit more calm can be through tea. Here are the teas that science says can help promote a sense of calm.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

How to Stop Ruminating

Rumination is often defined as a repetitive thought cycle focusing on causes, consequences, and symptoms of one’s current negative state. When you obsessively think about a negative situation and find that you cannot stop, it will likely make you feel worse. That is how rumination can transform a minor or trivial mistake into a major catastrophe.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

How to Stop Overthinking

“Over”-thinking involves thinking that is not getting us anywhere and is not helpful to us. So, if you notice that you’re stuck thinking about the same issue over and over again but are not coming to any sort of “solution,” you may be overthinking.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

How to Live a Simple Life

Do you sometimes feel like life is more complex than it needs to be? Do you feel like society expects you to buy more than is necessary, own more things than you need, or do more work than you want? Then you may want to find ways to live more simply.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

How to Relieve Stress Based on Science

Stressful experiences activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. If we experience stress too frequently, our HPA axis can start to get dysfunctional, leading us to feel "wired but tired." In this article, we will talk about some of the science-based stress relief strategies you can try.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

8 Relaxation Techniques Based on Science

Most of us are strapped to our phones 24-7, overwhelmed by work and feeling uncertain about the future of our country or the planet. We feel our well-being slipping and are in need of some good relaxation techniques. Here are eight relaxation techniques that science says can help you increase calm or decrease anxiety.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

6 Tips for Slowing Down and Finding Joy in Life

Do you feel like you’re constantly running on the treadmill of life? Not quite sure how to take a break or stop feeling like you always have to be 'doing' something? It’s not always easy to slow down, but it turns out that slowing down is exactly what we need. Slowing down is not only good for our well-being, but it can also help us feel less stressed while accomplishing more.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

6 Tips for Self-Soothing

Self-soothing is defined as an individual's efforts or capacity to calm oneself while in a state of emotional distress. Improving our self-soothing skills as adults requires self-insight, the development of self-soothing skills, and the ability to effectively use these skills to return to an emotional baseline.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

5 Tips to Calm Your Mind

Peace of mind is a mental state of calmness or tranquility. It may also include freedom from worry and anxiety. When our minds are buzzing with thoughts, it can be intense and overwhelming. We just want a calm, relaxed, and content mind. A lot of research has pointed to ways we can decrease stress and calm down an overactive mind.

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Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

5 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

Calming anxiety usually means we want our body to return to homeostasis (or its normal resting state). Generally, it involves feelings of relief, a reduction in negative emotions, and a general sense that we’re okay. Given how unpleasant we might be feeling at times, learning strategies to calm down can be a great boon to our well-being.

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