How Gratitude Journaling Can Benefit You

A gratitude journal can profoundly transform your life by shifting your focus from what you lack to what you have. This practice nurtures a deeper appreciation for the present moment and cultivates a sense of fulfillment and contentment. By consistently engaging in gratitude journaling, you not only enhance your own well-being but also inspire and uplift those around you.

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Self-Love, Emotional Well-Being, Self-Care Sarah Scherer Self-Love, Emotional Well-Being, Self-Care Sarah Scherer

8 Tips to Boost Your Self-Love

Self-love is the practice of valuing and caring for yourself in a way that promotes your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It involves recognizing your worth, treating yourself with kindness and respect, and making choices that nurture your overall happiness and health. Self-love is about acknowledging your strengths and accepting your imperfections, understanding that you’re deserving of compassion and care just as you are.

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Self-Care, Emotional Well-Being, Resilience Sarah Scherer Self-Care, Emotional Well-Being, Resilience Sarah Scherer

How to Improve Your Mental Health

Working toward better mental health is an essential component of leading a happy, productive life. If someone has good mental health, it does not necessarily mean that they’re happy all of the time—it means they have the tools and mindset to see them through the hard times. Bad things may happen in our lives but learning to be thoughtful, insightful, and resourceful can help us move through them more easily.

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Self-Care, Emotional Well-Being Sarah Scherer Self-Care, Emotional Well-Being Sarah Scherer

How to Make a Self-Help Plan

It’s normal to experience hardships in life, and we sometimes let these hardships get us down. Luckily, there are many aspects of our lives that are within our control. Self-help tools can often deepen self-awareness, help you cope with life in healthier ways, and improve your emotional and mental health. Self-help also offers advice and strategies to better understand how your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors contribute to your mental health and well-being.

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Inspirational Quotes for Your Self-Care Journey

Every now and then, we may feel the need for a sign, a kind gesture, or maybe just some words of wisdom. Quotes hold power. They’re a form of storytelling. They’re often spoken from the heart. And (arguably) most importantly, they offer a unique perspective from one person’s life that just may impact several others out there. If you happen to be stressed, it may be a good time for some tender loving self-care. Here are some encouraging words that may help you on your self-care journey.

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Self-Care, Emotional Well-Being Sarah Scherer Self-Care, Emotional Well-Being Sarah Scherer

How to Assess Your Personal Needs

One method that can help us to address and identify our needs is to conduct a personal needs assessment. A personal needs assessment involves a thorough evaluation of your current skills, resources, interests, and areas for improvement. By identifying these key elements, you can gain a clearer understanding of where you stand and what you need to focus on.

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55 Positive Morning Affirmations to Start the Day Right

Morning affirmations are phrases or statements that we say to ourselves to focus our minds on more positive outcomes. Repeating positive affirmations can help shift our mindset in ways that help us more easily manifest the life we want. Research on related topics like optimism, positive thinking, and growth mindset further support the idea that shifting our thinking in positive ways is good for us, especially since we tend to have a negativity bias.

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Self-Care, Emotional Well-Being, Stress Relief Sarah Scherer Self-Care, Emotional Well-Being, Stress Relief Sarah Scherer

5 Ways to Relax and Unwind

In American culture, relaxation is considered a luxury, something only those privileged enough to have sufficient resources get to enjoy. However, relaxation is actually an important contributor to our mental and physical health. When we don’t allow ourselves to take time to unwind, the harmful effects of daily stressors begin to accumulate and can contribute to psychological and physical maladies. Relaxing gives our bodies and minds a chance to recover from stress and allows us to live our best lives.

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How to Attain Serenity in Your Life

Serenity is a sense of inner peace that is not subject to the whims of the outside world. For people who describe themselves as having had or are currently experiencing a sense of serenity, this state of being usually follows from having had a spiritual awakening of some kind. Active prayer and meditation, use of other mindfulness skills, coping mechanisms, and in particular the ability to accept life as it comes, letting go of and detaching from one’s negative emotions, are all key components of reaching a state of serenity.

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15 Amazing Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a mental state characterized by focused attention, heightened awareness, and an open and non-judgmental disposition toward your thoughts and experiences in the present moment. The practice of mindfulness encourages you to observe your thoughts and feelings without attachment or judgment, fostering a greater sense of clarity, calmness, and overall well-being.

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How to Cultivate Equanimity

Equanimity is a state of mental and emotional stability, calmness, and composure, especially in challenging situations. It’s maintaining a balanced and nonreactive mindset, regardless of external circumstances or internal thoughts and feelings. People who possess equanimity can face adversity with clarity, focus, and resilience, without being overwhelmed by emotions like fear, anger, or anxiety.

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How to Practice Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance is an act of embracing all of our attributes, whether mental or physical, and positive or negative, exactly as they are. From time to time, we may struggle to accept certain qualities that we have. It's not always easy to find ways to extend compassion to ourselves. Nevertheless, accepting who we are remains vital for our happiness and overall well-being.

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38 Positive Life Quotes to Shift Your Mindset

Positive quotes and daily affirmations rely on the power of positive thinking. Although positive quotes and daily affirmations are different, the idea behind them is similar: they help shift your mind in ways that can hopefully improve your life. There are also known benefits to positive affirmations and positive thinking. Having positive quotes around you can shift your mindset and help you achieve your personal goals.

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9 Ways to De-Stress

Whether it's misplacing your keys before an early meeting at work, being worried about an upcoming doctor’s appointment, or having to give a presentation in front of your classmates, stress is a universal experience. While we may not always be in control of our stressors, we are in charge of how we respond to them. Here are some ways to deal with stressful situations and learn how to reduce the impact stress has on your well-being.

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Things to Be Thankful for Today

Do you want to express gratitude and thankfulness for the people, things, and experiences in your life? Expressing and experiencing thankfulness is strongly linked with happiness and well-being. Gratitude not only helps us form closer, more satisfying bonds with others, but it feels good too. So in this article, we'll give you a list of things to be thankful for in different areas of your life.

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Embracing the Power of Positivity

Positivity can lead to better mental health and well-being and refers to our tendency to be optimistic in life. This is in contrast to negativity, which is all about thinking, feeling, and doing negative things. When we have positivity, we might think positive, have positive emotions, and do positive things.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Affirmations

Is it sometimes hard for you to believe in yourself? Do you struggle to think positively? Or does your mind always seem to be able to find the worst-case scenarios? Then daily positive affirmations may be a useful tool to help you shift your mindset in ways that improve your life. They don't make our thoughts come true. Rather, they help us think in ways that make our lives better.

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